Tuesday, February 3, 2009

As we get used to having a blog, hopefully our posts will become more entertaining. Here is a picture from a wonderful visit by our friend Joel. If you can't tell in the picture, we were in the middle of a rousing game of Clue. I think that more than 5 games of clue were played in a three day period. It is a game that never gets old!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Grape Debate

And for my second post I am attempting to attach a picture with text.  This is a picture of a bowl of concord grapes that Alicia and Jen Votaw used to create a grape tart when we were out west visiting Joel and Jen--A great trip that was far too short.

The first attempt

Hi everyone,

This is my first attempt at putting something out into the atmosphere of blogging.  I hold no false perceptions that anyone will read this, and besides--once the Taliban destroys the infrastructure that is the world wide web then no one will be able to read this anyway.