Friday, November 1, 2013

Douglas is now 3!

So yesterday was what I would consider the first birthday and Halloween where Douglas was really aware of it coming and it happening. He was quite excited to be dressed up as Super Why and quite excited to have his friends coming over. The morning started with this conversation:

Dougie (walking down the stairs): Mom?
Me: Good Morning!
Dougie (in sleepy monotone): hi
Me: Do you know what day it is?
Dougie: What?
Me: It's your birthday!
Dougie (now at the bottom of the stairs): Really? (Pause) I did it! I slept and I woke up and now its my birthday!

It was a great day and I want to thank everyone who was involved in it. Douglas had a great time at every place he was at.

Here are some pictures of the fun that was had.