Sunday, February 6, 2011

Go Pack Go!

So, it is a new month and if it doesn't start on a high note - The Green Bay Packers are in the Superbowl! Papa Reinhardt is a long time Green Bay fan and we have little Douglas all decked out and rooting for his team.

Three months old and looking around.

Douglas has found his thumb. Seems to favor his left hand, but at times tries to eat both fists at once.

He is also much more interested in his hanging friends - starting to try and grab at them. Piglet is definitely his favorite.

He's not looking at me so much as his mobile on the changing table. Go Pack Go!

Here are some other pictures to enjoy.

All three life group babies have been born! Ava (left) was born in August. Douglas (middle) was born in October and Wesley (right) was born in December.

We got a new-to-us snowblower in January. A co-worker of Papa Reinhardt gave it to us and it has helped Adam immensely!

Wearing the New-Generation Posse onesie.

A better shot of the onesie!

A warm and fuzzy blanket!

Here's to a great superbowl! Go Pack Go!