I am starting this post out with some pictures for you to enjoy. They are in no particular order and are from my mom over the days that she has been babysitting Douglas.

So, it is finally March and I am sitting here watching "This Old House", seeing the snow melt under the steady rain fall and I can almost imagine that spring will come. (At least "This Old House" is in L.A. for their new project, so I can enjoy the sunshine through the TV.) As I sit here, Adam is making our standard eggs and toast for breakfast. While I anticipate the eggs and toast, I have to take a moment and speak about the wonderful bread machine recipe that Adam has found. It is the best one that I have tried and it is going to become a standard in Reinhardt household. It is called Honey of An Oatmeal Bread and I urge everyone who has a bread machine to try it. Now that our family is growing, we are finding less time to cook and I have been on the prowl for quicker recipes than those I made in the pre-baby days. One of the recipes that I have been hunting down is Beans and Rice. I have tried a few and they have been okay, but I am still on the prowl. In between different Beans and Rice attempts, I did find a crockpot Lentil Stew recipe that was very simple, but very tasty. This was the meal that we first tried the above mentioned bread with, and it was a great pairing!
Douglas is currently fighting sleep and also eating his little stuffed Piglet. It is cute, when Douglas fights sleep, he sounds like a car engine that won't turn over. It just keeps whining and whining, but slowly looses energy. Now, he is just staring sleeply at the window. How do you convince a baby that sleep is one of the most wonderful gifts to human kind?
This past month of February was filled with snow and cold. The highlight though was when two wonderful college friends, Katie and Cristin, came to visit. They came over President's Day weekend and were the first college friends to meet Douglas. We had a great time of shopping and eating and playing lots and lots of scrabble. I have to say, the Reinhardt's did not have their best showings in any of the scrabble games played and were soundly trounced each and every time. Unfortunately, I had so much fun with them that I never really pulled out the camera to take pictures. Cristin was our wonderful photographer, but I can't share the pictures with you because they are with her. So, just imagine your best weekend with friends, insert a wonderful baby boy, and you will be able to envision the weekend we enjoyed.
Well, now that February is past, and the hope of Spring fills me - I wish you all a happy weekend.