Who can resist a christmas sweater for their wine?
Hello friends -
Hello friends -
I write this from my week of vacation after having made it through all of the holidays. It was a fun but busy few months.
First was our second annual Turkey brining. As you can see there is the first annual with Douglas being almost a month old and then here is the second annual with Douglas being over a year. Quite the size difference!
Here are some pictures of his different christmas outfits that he got to wear in the month of December. They were all sized for 18 months, but man they all fit him differently. Of course my favorite, and what ended up being the actual smallest outfit I had saved for Christmas Eve. Oh well!
Christmas outfit 1
Christmas Outfit 2
Christmas Outfit 3
I did get some baking in for the holidays, which was exciting for me. This year I a made some Czech Kolaches (recipe included at the link) and I think they were a success! I made them in honor of my grandmother on my Dad's side who is from Prague originally.
Douglas even got into the Christmas spirit by helping with the ornaments and with the wrapping!
He was always trying to get that small stocking!
Douglas helping Dad wrap my 8 cup Pyrex measuring cup, the best!
Douglas' current mode of transportation - he only goes backwards on it.
We also just gave Douglas his first hair cut - really just a hack job. His hair has been getting long over his ears and on the back of his neck. And, Douglas loves to play with his ears during dinner, so he is constantly getting his food stuck in his hair. So, Adam and I tried to trim around his ears and along his neck line, just to even it out. Very hard to do with a boy who is constantly trying to look at the scissors as you are using them. I think Adam thought he was going to stab him in the neck a few different times. It got done without to much fuss or hardship to Douglas, but it definitely isn't the best job we have ever done. Thus - no pictures. We can record the event taking place, but don't need to keep the look of it for posterity. Here's to future hair cuts that will look better! (Anyone who has tips for cutting a small child's hair with scissors - we would appreciate any advice!)
Here is to a Happy New Year!
Let's see what 2012 has in store for us.