Well, as I promised here is another post.
Last weekend my mother-in-law and one of Adam's aunts and his cousins threw me a wonderful baby shower. The food was incredible and it was great to see a lot of family and friends. Now that we are in count down mode for Pidge/AJ to arrive, it was wonderful to get together with those that are special to us and share some time with them.

Here is Adam's mother as she is prepping some of the wonderful apples slices and carmel dip. Right now I am loving autumn food! Apples, cider, donuts, carmel, comfort food such as meat loaf and lasagna - so delicious.

I thought this was a cute picture of my circle of helpers. Erin (in the orange) was helping Maggie (in the purple) hand me the presents, while my sister Liz (in the gray) was a faithful list keeper. Maggie was quite energetic about handing me the gifts and making sure that I got them all opened quickly.

Here I am with one of my other pregnant friends, Mary. She is the third of our trio and will be having her baby in December. It has been wonderful to have some friends to share the experience of pregnancy with.
Now, I am not going to show every picture of every present, but there are three gifts that I want to highlight because they are wonderful examples of the crafting skills of the women in Adam's family.

The first is a quilt made by his Aunt Marianne. It has the Winnie the Pooh theme on it and was nice and fluffy. I can totally see our little son playing on this quilt.

The second is another beautiful quilt made by his Aunt Kathy (also the hostess) and is great variety of different pictures for all the letters of the alphabet. Adam and I love the Alphabet theme, so this was perfect.

The third picture is one piece of a set - a beautiful blue and white jacket that Adam's grandmother knitted. There was also a cute hat, booties and a wonderful blanket.
I am blown away by the skills of all these women!

This picture is a great moment where there are actually four generations all together. Adam's grandmother, Adam's mother, my mother, me and then Pidge/AJ. It was a special moment.
Now, this last picture is just me wanting to show you where our cat has decided she likes to sleep now. On top of my boppy pillow, which is in the basket/compartment right below the bassinet. She will spend all day there! At least she hasn't decided to sleep IN the bassinet, I guess.
Lest you think this blog is going to become all about the pregnancy and the baby - I will give you an Adam update. He has been busy with school work, but also created this whole Alphabet picture display that is currently being put up on the nursery walls. Once all the pictures are up, I will hopefully remember to take a picture to share with you.
Till then - happy Autumn!
Great pics - I think I will like your blog. And new stories coming? How about pics of the babys room?