Summer is here...I think? (My original post title.)
Well, ladies and gentleman, I am late to this party. To which I say - life with a 7 month old is much more active than life with a 4 month old. It is getting harder and harder to find a chunk of time to sit down and dedicate to anything that doesn't involve Douglas. Not an excuse, just a new discovery on this new mom's part.
On to what we have been up to lately. May was a busy month. A negative and positive addition to the business was all the rain. It is positive in that all the plants are now in extra full bloom and are thriving for the most part but negative in that I wanted to be doing much more outside than I ended up doing. I just read today that we got just short of 11 inches of rain in the month of May! That is a record I think, or it should be. But, despite the rain we accomplished a Baby Dedication, a Memorial Day picnic (2 actually), Adam finished his spring semester, we went on some walks in the brief instances of sunshine, we experimented with more baby food, Douglas figured out how to role over and also all animals are starting to learn that when he grabs them, it hurts. (See my parents dog on the couch with him.)
One of the few evenings of no rain, we went for a walk.
Dad and son wearing matching blues.
Douglas in the christening gown that my mom made for him.
Our life group after the baby dedication. On the right is Lance, then the Moores with Ava (she was born in August) then the Reinhardts with Douglas and then the Walkes with Wesley (he was born in December).
Memorial day picnic complete with Bocci ball!
Adam, Mary and Lance during a Bocci game.
Now, here is a theme that I have been noticing with Douglas. See if you can pick it out in the following pictures:
Anyone see what I am talking about ? It happens all the time and the boy even got my finger once (his teeth are SHARP!)

Now here is the animal sequence. See Douglas with Fiona, then on top of Fiona (looking like he wants to eat her paw), and then Fiona learns to keep space between them.
It has been an exciting month and will be an exciting summer. Adam has a lot of classes to get through (he will be finishing his first summer session this week), we have our 8th wedding anniversary as well as Adam's birthday and we will try our first camping-with-a-baby next week. We'll let you know how that goes. It is a trial run for our big Irvine family camping vacation that we take in August. Here goes nothing!