Saturday, April 21, 2012

    It is a Saturday morning and the rain is dripping down the window giving our budding garden a much needed drink. Normally, I would be wishing I could be outside, but today is a small gift to Adam and I so I will enjoy it in whatever state it comes. We were trying to be responsible, diligent adults and signed up to attend a Safe Drivers course to make us better drivers and, more importantly, to reduce our insurance. I honestly didn't want to go - I had been at work all week and was gone all last weekend, so was not excited to be away again. Well, last night we got a call from the instructor that she is sick and couldn't teach the class today. While I gave her all my sympathy, I was jumping around the house because the day was now open and free, no commitments!!! Hurray!!

   Another benefit of the open day is that I could write up another post for you our dear friends. I am chagrined by all the postings of those around me and the rate at which it happens, so I will be trying to write more. We shall see how it goes. Wish me luck!

  Below are some pictures for what we have been up to over these past few weeks. I have actually made two trips away from Adam and Douglas over the course of those weeks. They were both weekend trips, one to New Hampshire for a bridal shower and one to NYC to see Newsies, the musical and to visit my sister. But they were the first time I was away by myself and it wasn't easy. They were great trips, but it was so nice when I returned.

Grammie, Cousin Nadia, Cousin Noah
and Great Grandma Reinhardt

Douglas so proud of himself on Great Grandma's landing!

Adam with Nadia, Douglas and Great Grandma reading a book.

Easter Morning with Papi.
Look at the unplanned, color-coordination!

Douglas is learning that camera's are fun.
The next few shots are him posing in his Easter suit!

Douglas looking rad on Uncle Jared's bike.

Family picture on Easter!

Douglas posing for Adam.

His 'adventure tent'. He likes to find out ALL the things that his toys can do.

Me with Doug and Jeff in Brooklyn on my trip to NYC to see Newsies!

Liz and I at a French Restaurant in NYC when we went to see Newsies!
LJ and I in the same restaurant in NYC when we went to see Newsies!
Mom, LJ, me and Liz after that wonderful breakfast when we went to NYC to see Newsies!

P.S.  Let me just say that I loved Newsies as a movie and it was just as fabulous as a musical. If you are ever in NYC and want to see a fun-filled musical - go and see Newsies!!

Monday, April 2, 2012


Waking up one winter morning to find that Mom had fixed the camera!

New tool box toy that we love to carry around.

Rockin' piano that we found at a consignment shop. Jerry Lee Lewis anyone?

While babysitting some friends - Malorie as a pirate!

Malorie's tower of blocks!

Corban as a superhero!

The superhero on his ship (he is flying).

My orchid in bloom.

We have moved things around so he can get to the window - this is a standard pose.

He brought me these boots to put on - loves walking around in them. (They are dinosaurs.)

Again with the blankie and snacks and his other favorite item - a balloon.

He loves to wear these safety googles!

Trying to carry Adam's bag - couldn't lift it off the floor.

Our new favorite activity - going outside!

Walking down the driveway with Dad.

Me and my boy!

This was special - he found Adam's ankle socks and gave them to me to put on. He then walked around for the rest of the afternoon wearing them. He has no problem wearing multiple layers of socks.

And my friend Katie and I this past weekend at her bridal shower!

We are now up to date!