A lot has happened in the 1+ years since posting on the blog. The most pertinent thing to happen to this blog is the realization that keeping up with it is not high on the priority list. That being said, the reason I (Adam) follow blogs is to see pictures of friends/family and keep up with their lives. So that is what this blog is going to be. Some might say that is what Facebook and Twitter is for but I don't trust Facebook or understand Twitter, so this is it. If you happen across a post that is intelligent, informative, or witty then it is probably written by Alicia, all the other posts are by me--Adam (I'm aiming for one post a quarter so don't check too often).
The following are some pictures of what we've been up too the past few months...Enjoy
This is Alicia looking whimsical and thinking about the love she has for her husband at 17 weeks pregnant (we finally made it past 9!) It doesn't even look like she has a bump.
These are pictures of Alicia at the wedding of a college friend (Meredith). She was 22 weeks along.
At this point we knew that he was going to be a he and Alicia nicknamed him pigeon.
The next couple of photos are our first attempt at a nursery color. Initially we were going to use 2 colors and a border, then we couldn't decide on a border so we were only going to use 2 colors. The first two colors we tested were far too bright and didn't work together so we decided to use one color--yellow, and a less vibrant shade...much easier:)
Disregard Alicia's prison-hardened look.
She's using the timer setting on the camera for the first time.
Here are the results of the decision.
(don't mind the cat)
The nursery is painted and it's already starting to fill up! Golly
Finally, here is Alicia looking beating the heat and looking chic in July at around 25 weeks pregnant.
This is just a small snippet of our lives lately. We've also done some camping with the Irvine fam, had Reinhardt/Leathersich fam visit, and shared lots of relaxing down time with friends.
Hopefully some of those pictures will be forthwith.
Forthwith some Irvine/Reinhardt/Vadnais camping pictures please! :) Nice blog - love it!