Friends, Romans, Country men...
So, I am not quite getting the hang of this - putting pictures in your blog - but I shall prevail. Blogger will not defeat me!
It has been a busy August and September here in the Reinhardt household. And when I say busy, I mean that Adam has started and accomplished a lot of tasks. Me, getting bigger by the day, am becoming less helpful and useful. But, once our little one arrives, hopefully that will change. The first major item to be discussed is the room in the basement.

Basement corner where the room will be built. See Adam's nice and neat piles of supplies?
As you saw in my previous post, we painted the small room that we have upstairs for the baby. That room used to be our TV room. In an effort to prevent our house from really feeling like a small apartment, Adam and Co. took on the project of building a room in our basement. It was amazing how fast they were able to get the two walls up and dry-walled! It took them one day! Then Adam kept riding the wave of momentum and got it all mudded and sanded, we invited friends in to paint, and now are in the process of putting down carpet.
Adam, Jared and Jesse next to one of the walls that were framed in.
The other side of Adam, Jesse and Jared.
Now for a picture of the finished wall. If you look close, you will see me and my belly in the room :)
After all the construction, over Labor Day weekend we attended our church's Family Camp down at Canandaigua Lake. For this lady the weather ended up being great because the heat broke and the cool breezes came in. I bring up this weekend mainly to say - a lot of shuffle board was played. I think we are in process of bringing Shuffle Board back to the masses!!
Adam and Lance studying the points.
See all my style and grace?
This was our amazing audience through the different matches. It is 3 more people than were watching last year.
Even before our labor day festivities of Shuffleboard began, Adam went back to school. Now he is quite in the swing of the semester, but that was another major happening.
Finally, I will give you some pregnancy pictures from yesterday. There have been requests and now that I am starting my 35th week, I figured I should document these last remaining weeks of Adam and I as a two-some (is that even a word)? We went apple picking last weekend and out to a movie. This weekend we are entertaining family and friends and who knows what will happen next weekend. The skies the limit!
Who is starting to look like a giant marshmellow?
This angle is better.
My lovely sister and me. (Funny thing, I think she is wearing my class shirt from when I was in high school. Awe, quality clothes from the 90's. I am glad someone still has it.)
Happy Fall everyone!